Thursday, May 26, 2016

Maliciously missing: the potential of the missing performer
Lecture/performance Vânia Gala
at ACRU Symposium 
25th May 2016 13:00 to 18:00
Clattern theatre
Kingston University, London

Sound and its subcultures can be understood to offer more dynamic ways of accounting for bodies, movements, and events. In the last 15 years or so, renewed interest in sound-based scholarship and the increasing significance of the acoustic—as simultaneously a site for analysis, a medium for aesthetic engagement, and a model for theorization—has been identified as ‘the sonic turn’ (Drobnick). This ACRU symposium traces the potentialities running across the sonic, from the natural soundscape to hyper-computational processing, and asks, what is it about sound that can be said to enable new modes of thought, perception and experience?